Based on over 15 years of global experience specifically in the UK and the Middle East, our vision is to provide HNW families, investors, businessmen and family offices an easy access and smart solutions to all their business and personal needs . We provide personal advice and practical solutions to global investment management issues, cross border business, personal and family needs. Executive Management
At Zinson, we believe raising funds for your business can be daunting and exhausting task, the approach you take may vary depending on how much money you hope to raise and how long you wish to fundraise for, the main problem arises from reaching out to potential investors or connecting with angel investment companies. Arabic translation in London
We have extensive experience working with the Middle East markets, specifically in Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Gulf region. We understand the local culture and we can build on that to achieve highly desired results for our clients. Funding in London
We can organize funding events here in the UK and there in the Gulf where you can present your projects to wide range of interested audience and get the exposure needed for your project. UK notarization
We can custom made specific funding events for your project depending on your specific requirements and the country you want to have the event in.
We also organize directed marketing campaigns in the Arabian gulf region for your products and services and we do the same in the UK for the Arab gulf companies wishing to establish a presence in the UK.
Address:-Zinson ltd 30TH Floor, 40 Bank Street Canary Wharf, London E14 5NR U.K.
Contact Number: -0044 7859766699
Email:- http://
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